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How to remove Reimage Repair from your computer? Recommended Anti-malware tools: We recommend to user Norton to remove PUP.Reimage Repair and protect your system. To get rid of ads promoting Reimage Repair you can use free AdBlock and scan your PC with quality antimalware. Thus, you should be cautious while browsing the Internet and think twice before downloading any software or clicking on an ad. Malware programs such as Reimage Repair are usually distributed without user’s consent through sharing free files and other downloadable content, or, since Reimage Repair is originally played off as a useful application, one can be lured to install it (with or without the user’s knowledge) by clicking the advertisement telling about its handy features. If you have nonetheless installed this scare-ware, you should remove Reimage Repair as soon as possible to avoid the potential harm it may do. It is not considered to be a virus itself, though it may be a conductor for other types of malware. In some cases the installation of Reimage Repair caused slowing down the computer performance and instant merging of pop-ups while browsing the web. Thus, Reimage Repair is classified as scare-ware, that is intended to make money on people’s fears about their computers’ health. However, after installing it many users have complained about unavoidable messages about fake security risks with recommendations to purchase the full version of the program.
Reimage Repair is a program presented as a system optimizer promising fixing many computer issues and raising the level of the system security.